Patience & Fortitude

Sometimes we crack apart

It doesn’t matter how long ago we first started grieving, as children or adults, from a single catastrophic event or from multiple traumas, sometimes without any warning grief opens a door to feelings we locked away long ago. For me it has taken sixteen years...

Remembering Sacred

Nearly a week ago, on December 14th, 2012, a lone gunman broke into a primary school and went on a murderous rampage. He killed 20 children and six adults before committing suicide. The citizens of Newtown, Connecticut are still in shock. Many families lost loved ones...

It’s baaaack!

Finally, FINALLY! I have the second edition of Grieving Futures available for you! (link will open a PDF file!) This edition does not represent a marked changed from the first as far as content goes; I did not take much away or add anything new. However, I did have a...

Tell me about it

A co-worker’s nephew, who was only in his early 30s, dropped dead a few weeks ago. He did have some health issues but they were being managed so this came as a huge shock to the family. Given my extensive experience with grief and mourning, I’m always...