by KimBoo York | Dec 27, 2013 | Atheism, Grief
I was interested in reactions to this NPR ‘Code Switch’ story, “What Part of Sacred Don’t You Understand?” Normally I don’t read comments sections because therein lies madness, but in this case I made an exception. The topic is a...
by KimBoo York | Dec 8, 2013 | Atheism, Reflections
A surprising title for an atheist blog about grief, but I find both concepts fascinating. I’ve wondered for years why we need them, why we created them in the first place. I joined a friend at a Unitarian Universalist service this morning, and was thrilled that...
by KimBoo York | Oct 2, 2013 | Atheism, Grief
A long time ago, I decided to write a book about atheism and grief. I was going to call it “The Empty Bowl”, a riff on my own Buddhist studies as well as a vivid image of grief itself. In a not very unusual occurrence, I stalled after that. Grieving...
by KimBoo York | Feb 12, 2013 | Atheism, Grief, Mourning
This post is not about grief, but it is something that has been on my mind for a while now. I want to talk about my perspective in writing this blog, and where it comes from, and why it’s different from most skeptic’s blogs out there, and how (maybe) that...
by KimBoo York | Jan 7, 2013 | Atheism, Grief
One reaction mourners get when admitting to atheism or any form of non-deism is the incredulous, well-meaning but slightly accusatory, “How can you live with the idea that it was all just pointless?” Better critics than I have unpacked the ridiculousness...
by KimBoo York | Dec 14, 2012 | Atheism, Mourning
NPR recently posted a lovely audio clip of commentator Aaron Freeman titled “Planning Ahead Can Make a Difference in the End” (audio and transcript link). It worth a listen/read on its own, so take a moment (it’s short) and give NPR some love. In...