Patience & Fortitude

Grieving Futures, 2nd Edition on the way

by | Sep 5, 2012 | PSA

Good news! I have found an excellent editor to give my book Grieving Futures a thorough going over! This is very exciting to me and marks real progress.

A writer should always, always have a good editor at her back, but unfortunately when I first drafted out GF in late 2010, I didn’t. I knew fellow writers, several of whom looked over the book, but I could not afford a real editor at the time. So, I did the best I could, polished the text up, created a quick-and-dirty “cover” and put it out there.

There were free PDF copies here at the website, and other formats for purchase at Smashwords and Amazon. Very few moved, which did not surprise me at all. The few that were read by people seemed to touch them deeply, and that made up for lack of downloads.

Now that I’ve got a genuine focus for this site, though, I wanted to go back and fix up the book, make a better cover for it, and make it available in a second, improved edition. I’ve learned a lot about epublishing in the last two years and that’s helped a lot. Finding a great, nit-picky editor to scour the manuscript is a gift I will not take for granted, either!

The book is still with her, as a matter of fact. It’s interesting because she is a very devout Catholic, reading a very raw book about grief written by an atheist. She’s already noted the lack of “God” in the text, but fortunately she’s open minded. She’s really good at her job and I know it will be a much stronger book once she gets done with it.

For now I will continue with my sporadic podcasts from the text as-is, and of course the daily Skeptic’s Inspirational.

Don’t worry, I’ll be yelling from the rooftops as soon as Grieving Futures, 2nd Ed., is ready to “ship”! Thanks for being a part of the Patience&Fortitude community. <3


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